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The Foundation for Liver Research

20 March 2014

Dick Cristin, the founder of Bedell Cristin, created the R.H. Cristin Settlement with the intention of benefiting the advancement of liver research and the alleviation of suffering for those with liver disease.

Unfortunately, liver disease is the only major cause of death in the UK still increasing year-on-year, with mortality rates rising faster than diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke and respiratory disease. With 1 in 10 people now experiencing a problem with their liver at some point in their lifetime, research into the causes of liver disease, its diagnosis and treatment, is now more important than ever.

The RH Cristin Settlement has supported the Foundation for Liver Research for over 30 years. The Foundation carries out its research programme at the Institute of Hepatology, London, which is one of the leading centres for liver research in the UK and the only one operating as a completely independent research institute. The three main causes of liver disease in the UK are excess alcohol, obesity and viral hepatitis. The focus of research in the Institute of Hepatology is Liver Cell Injury and Repair and within this theme, the Institute’s scientists are looking at new treatments for hepatitis B and C, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and liver cancers. They are investigating ways to boost the body’s natural response to viruses, what factors determine the severity of damage caused by an ‘insult’ such as alcohol, and whether and how the progression of liver disease can be limited or reversed. Research scientists are also working on a targeted gene therapy treatment for liver cancer and an innovative new urinary dip-stick diagnostic test for early diagnosis. Since the charity was established in 1974, it has pioneered new ways of diagnosing and treating liver disease and it continues to be at the forefront of research into ways to improve the quality of life of sufferers.

View a short film in which the Institute’s scientists explain their work at:

The costs of the Foundation for Liver Research for the twelve months to June 2013 were £1,769,985, or approaching £5,000 per day. 50% comes from gifts and legacies. It can only do as much as funding will permit. It needs gifts of £750,000 this year simply to keep going.

Bedell Cristin is proud to support this well established and proven leader in the advance towards more effective treatments for liver disease and the alleviation of pain and suffering for patients and their families. The benefits are truly global.  

We invite you to consider donating or leaving a legacy to the Foundation for Liver Research. For more information we recommend that you visit their website at:

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Location: Jersey

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